Year 6 visit the London Fire Brigade Museum
On Tuesday 4th February Year 6 had a great trip to the London Fire Brigade Museum where we learnt all about the Auxiliary Fire Service of World War Two. We enjoyed learning about how fire engines have developed over the ages and looking at how much they have changed, from the very first one that used to be pulled by horses to the very sophisticated ones we see today! Fire engines today are certainly very different!
It wasn't just the fire engines that have changed however; we also had a chance to try on the protective clothing that firefighters have worn throughout the ages! Can you spot the most recent firefighter's outfit in the photos? How about the oldest outfit?
The trip finished with a fantastic storytelling session in which we were welcomed as the newest recruits of the Auxiliary Fire Service and had to imagine what life on the Home Front must have been like. We all had a great trip and can't wait to share all of our fantastic Topic learning with the community at the end of Term 4.