Year 6 SATs Week
Well Done to all of our Year 6 pupils who have now come to the end of their KS2 SATs tests which they have been sitting all this week.
All the children have worked really hard and deserve to be really proud of all they have achieved. The tests took place on the following days:
Monday 11th May: Reading Comprehension
Tuesday 12th May: Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar
Wednesday 13th May: Mental Maths & Maths Paper A
Thursday 14th May: Maths Paper B
CLICK HERE for a copy of the full timetable for the week, including the Level 6 tests.
We are extremely proud of all the Year 6 pupils have achieved throughout Year 6 and all their time at Granton Primar - they have all worked incredibly hard this year and we look forward to working with them throughout the rest of the primary school career!