GSO Test

Year 5 Career Champions!

7 children from Year 5 had a great day becoming Career Champions at the first ever Primary Careers Conference. We set off bright and early for the British Library in Camden where this unique event took place.

We had a truly enjoyable and inspirational day meeting people from all sorts of interesting and exciting careers including: the Metropolitan police, sound engineering, advertising, the NHS, London Zoo (where some of us even held a Madagascan hissing cockroach) and much, much more!

We look forward to sharing our careers expertise with the rest of the Granton family and here are just a few of our thoughts and reflections on the day:

"Jordan Casey (a 14 year old app creator) was a real inspiration" (Marissa, Y5JM)

"I feel a step closer to my dream of being an author!" (Orielle, Y5MD)

"I learnt that you can be whatever you put your heart into" (Itailya, Y5JM)

"It was a fun day learning about different careers" (Stefan, Y5MD)


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