GSO Test

Writing Week

Next week there is a very special Literacy event at Granton.  The whole school will be taking part in Writing Week.  This year it is strongly linked to our Creative Curriculum theme ‘Discovery’.  We will focus on explorers and inventors

We are lucky enough to invite well- known children’s non-fiction author, Angela Royston, to introduce the theme of the week with a whole school assembly on Monday. 

By the end of the week, every child will have produced and written their own non-fiction book about a famous inventor or explorer.  Please ask your child during the week who their explorer or inventor is and what they have learnt so far.  It would be great if you could do a little research online or at the library with your child too.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 4 parents and carers are invited to come into the hall after school on Monday 3rd February from 3:15-3:45 to share and enjoy their fantastic writing and book-making.  Nursery, Year 2, Year 5 & 6 parents are to go to their child’s classroom to see their writing.  If you are unable to come, your child’s book will be available at Parents Evening.

This will be an exciting week for our budding young writers at Granton and we are all looking forward to reading their books.

Mrs Barrio

Literacy Leader


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