GSO Test

Travelling abroad?

Lambeth Local Authority has asked me to share the following advice with any families travelling overseas this Summer holiday:

Travelling this summer? Make Sure You Protect
Yourself from Malaria


  1. A.   Be aware of the risk:
  • Malaria can kill even if you have  had it before

Nearly 2000 people (children and adults) a year return to the UK from their travels with malaria. Last year, in South East London alone there were around 200 cases

  • You ARE NOT protected against malaria If you came from country with malaria and have lived in UK for more than 6 months  .There is no evidence of natural immunity against malaria in people who have lived in the UK for longer than 6 months, even if they were born and grew up in Africa or Asia.
  1. B.    Avoid insect bites:
  • Wear long sleeved tops and trousers between sunset and sunrise.
  • Sleep under an insecticide-treated mosquito net.
  • Applyan insect repellent containing DEET.
  1. C.    Take malaria tablets
  • Antimalarial tablets do not always cost alot – speak to  your GP

Antimalarial tablets protect you from malaria most of the time.  There is no evidence that homeopathic and herbal medicines and plant products will youprotect against malaria.

  • Speak to your GP or practice nurse about the country you are going to visit for advice about anti-malarial tablets . You can also visit the NaTHNaC website for country-specific advice

D. Seek early diagnosis if you become unwell after you return


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