School Council visit the Houses of Parliament
On Monday 22nd September 2014, eight members of the School Council were privileged to be taken on a tour of The Houses of Parliament. We walked in the steps that the Queen takes for the state opening of Parliament and stood in the room where she puts her robes and crown on. We were struck by how much gold is everywhere – especially the throne where the Queen sits – we almost needed our sunglasses on!
The House of Lords has red leather seats and The House of Commons has green leather seats. We stood where the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition stand when they are debating in Parliament. It was also very interesting to see and hear about the Speaker’s chair. If you want to know a very interesting – and very funny – fact about the Speaker’s chair, ask one of the Council who went on the trip!!!
At the end we were able to stand on the spot where Nelson Mandela addressed Parliament when he visited Great Britain in 1996. When we left it was exactly 12 noon and we heard Big Ben ring out. A very friendly policeman then wanted to have his photograph taken with us!