GSO Test

Meet your child's new teacher

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Welcome back to another school year at Granton.  We hope you have had a pleasant and enjoyable Summer holiday and we look forward to another happy and successful year for your child at Granton.

As your child settles into their new class, we would like to invite you in to meet your child's new class teacher as well as find out more about the year ahead from 9.00 - 9.30am on the following dates:

Monday 14th September: Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)

CLICK HERE to meet the Year 5 team.          CLICK HERE to meet the Year 6 team.

Wednesday 16th September: Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)

                     CLICK HERE to meet the Year 3 team.          CLICK HERE to meet the Year 4 team.

Thursday 17th September: Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

CLICK HERE to meet the Year 2 team.          CLICK HERE to meet the Year 1 team.

Parents and carers of pupils in the Early Years Foundation Stage will have the opportunity to meet their child's new teacher on one of the following dates:

Monday 21st September: Reception

CLICK HERE to meet the Reception team.     CLICK HERE to meet the Nursery team.

Wednesday 23rd September: Nursery (EITHER 9.00 - 9.30am OR 2.45 - 3.15pm)

(All meetings will take place in your child's new classroom.)

We look forward to welcoming you into your child's new classroom and working with you and your child/ren over the coming year.


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