GSO Test

Maths Cafe

We had a great turnout of parents as the Maths Cafe returned to Granton for the first session of the year.  An enjoyable and informative session was had by all, in which we shared our hopes for the year and discussed our ideas for how we promote Maths at home.  Everyone took a 100 square away with them as well as lots of ideas for how to use it at home with their child.  

Feedback comments from parents included: "Fun, useful and helpful", "Informative insight into the Maths resources my children
use", "Lots of lovely ways to enjoy Maths at home", "An eye opening session", "Really improving my confidence to help my child". 

We can't wait to see lots more parents over the next few weeks as we tackle how we teach calculation in the different year groups.  Next week, join us for...Calculation in Years 5 & 6.


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