GSO Test


Dear Parents/Carers,                                                                            

Here are a list of clubs, times, costs and the weeks they will be running from Monday 22nd September to Friday 5th December 2014.(Term time only) Please bring full payment when signing up.


You will be able to book the clubs in the Larbert Road office from Monday 15th September in the mornings from 8.55am-9.15am and afterschool from 3.15pm-3.30pm.


There is a high demand for places in our afterschool clubs. Therefore frequent non-attendance or regular late collection from a club will result in that child being withdrawn from the clubs register and the place offered another child. No refunds will be given.


Robo Programming Yrs 4/5/6  3.15-4.30pm 10 weeks  £25
Gymnastics  Yrs Rec/1/2  3.15-5.00pm 10weeks     £30
Football Yrs 3/4/5/6  3.15-4.30pm 10weeks  £25
Gymnastics Yrs 3/4/5/6 & Squad 3.15-5.00pm 10weeks £30
Football  Yrs 1/2 3.15-4.30pm 10weeks £25
Drama Yrs 1/2 3.15-4.30pm 10weeks £25
Animation Yrs1/2 3.15-4.30pm 10weeks £25
Multi-sport skills Yrs Rec/1 3.15-4.30pm  10weeks £25
Multi-sport skills Yrs 2/3  3.15-4.30pm  10weeks  £25
French  Yrs 3/4/5  3.15-4.30pm  10weeks  £25
Arts and Crafts Yrs 1/2  3.15-4.30pm  5 weeks  £12.50
Tennis Yrs 3/4  3.15-4.30pm  10weeks  £25
Aim High Dance  Yrs 1/2  3.15-4.30pm  10weeks   £25


Any questions regarding the courses please speak to Scott Flynn or email




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