GSO Test

Granton win Dunraven Primary Maths Challenge

Our talented young Y6 mathematicians had a fantastic afternoon taking part in the annual Dunraven Maths Challenge on Tuesday 28th June, where having come in the top three the last three years, we were keen to maintain our reputation!

The challenge saw pupils from 24 schools competing in teams on some very challenging mathematics problems set by the UK Mathematics Trust in three exciting and equally challenging rounds of Maths including: problem solving, a logic puzzle and the Maths relay that had everybody running around at the end!

Once the scores has been counted and verified, we were thrilled to hear that not only were we in the top 3 again, but had won this time!  First place out of 24 schools.  Brilliant! 

We had great fun and really enjoyed meeting the welcoming Year 9 and Year 12 pupils who showed us around. We thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

Roll on 2017!


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