GSO Test



Granton's New Pond

At last June 6th dawned, the day the volunteers from Ernst and Young were coming to help us create our new pond.  The weather was as bright as our mood as we met and prepared for the day.  There were 15 volunteers, which meant that we could get lots of other tasks completed as well as the pond.  Some of these included:

  • painting the shed and the lovely planters that Freddie had created, 
  • mulching around the new hedge at the back of the school, 
  • creating new mini-beast habitats,
  • re-siting bird houses,
  • creating an area for the gardening club,
The volunteers were amazing in their abilities and enthusiasm (which were aided by their school dinners), and we would like to say a big thank you from all at Granton.  We will all benefit from their labours when we use the Nature Area as part of our learning.


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