GSO Test

British Olympic Association's Get Set visit Y5

On Tuesday 7th July, Year 5 pupils will be lucky enough to take part in a day of workshops run by an organisation called 'Get Set'.  Get Set is the British Olympic Association and British Paralympic Association's youth engagement programme.

Granton Primary School has been chosen as a pilot school for the Get Set programme.  The aims of Get Set are as follows:

  • To give all young people the chance to learn about and live the Olympic Values of friendship, excellence and respect and the Paralympic Values of inspiration, determination, courage and equality.
  • To build excitement about Team GB and Paralympics GB, using the Olympic and Paralympic Games as a hook for learning and participation.
Children will take part in team challenges in the morning and Maths based challenges in the afternoon to help them develop an undertstanding of the Olympic and Paralympic Values.

CLICK HERE to find out more about 'Get Set'.


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