GSO Test

Helpful Safeguarding links


If you have any concerns about a child, please come and share your concerns immediately with either:

Jane Costin  (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

LCSB (Lambeth Safeguarding Children Board) : For local advice on various safeguarding issues.

Educate Against Hate: National website for guidance on Extremism and Radicalisation

Live My Digital: Online safety resources for parents.

NetawareIf you want to find out more about a particular social network that your child is using.

SAFE: Some facts and the law on internet issues.

Share Aware: A NSPCC site which provides straightforward, no-nonsense advice for parents of 8 to 12-year-old children.

Think U Know: Helpful advice for parents from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) about how to keep their children safe online and different types of concerns parents might have about their children's online activity and how best to deal with it. Think U know also provides different sections for children that cater to different age groups so parents can point their children to this.

UK Safer Internet Centre: Advice about key e-safety topics like social networking, as well as how-to guide for setting up filters and parent settings.

ChildNet International: Specialist resources for young people to raise awareness of online safety and how to protect themselves.

Digizen: provides online safety information for parents, carers and young people

Anti-bullying Alliance - Signs that your child might get bullied and what to do next

Ace Education - Advice for parents how to tackle bullying at school

Bullying UK - Advice for parents for example about bullying in younger children and bullying of disabled children

EACH - Homophobic bullying freephone Actionline and other information

Family Lives is a charity that runs a free and confidential 24-hour helpline for parents. Call 0808 800 2222 to speak about any parenting issue, including bullying.

NHS Bullying-Advice for parents

Adult social care (needs assessment for adults), call 020 7926 5555

Carers trust (National organisation)

Children’s Society (National organisation, young carers information)

Barnado's - offer services for young carers and their families

Mental Health Foundation provides advice and support to parents with mental health issues.

Stop CSE  is a national helpline where you can get support and advice as a parent if you are concerned regarding possible sexual exploitation.

PACE:Parents against Sexual Exploitation call 0113 240 5226

Victim Support: Can provide parents and young people with direct support

NSPCC: call the helpline 0808 800 5000

Parent Info: Here you'll find a collection of articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help parents keep up with what their children are doing on-line. Schools are welcome to subscribe to a feed for their own websites and use the content as they wish.

Guide to keeping children safe

Keeping children safe  Find out how you can keep children safe from abuse and other dangers, both online and in the physical world.

Sexting: advice for parents How to talk to your child about the risks of sexting – and what you can do to protect them

Spot the signs:Barnardo’s advice for parents


What to do if you feel pressured to have FGM done to your daughter or you know someone who is at risk?

You might be feeling pressured to have FGM done to your daughter, especially if you or other people in the family have been cut. Or might know someone who is at risk of FGM. This may make you feel scared or worried but there are people who can help; you are not alone.

If you think your child or someone you know are in immediate danger of being cut or being taken abroad for this to happen, call the police (dial 999), or you speak to a GP, teacher or adult you trust. You can also call the 24 hour FGM helpline on 0800 028 3550 and remain anonymous.

If you are worried that your child or someone you know might be forced to have FGM in the future, talk to a trusted adult, such as a GP, teacher or call the FGM helpline on 0800 028 3550.

Getting advice, support or report FGM

Help is available if you've had FGM or you're worried that your child or someone you know is at risk.

  • If someone is in immediate danger, contact the police immediately by dialling 999.
  • For advice, support or to report it, call the free 24 hour anonymous FGM helpline on 0800 028 3550.
  • If you're concerned that someone may be at risk or for information, contact the NSPCC helpline on 0800 028 3550 or
  • If you're under pressure to have FGM performed on your daughter, ask your GP or a teacher for help, or contact the NSPCC helpline on 0800 028 3550.
  • If you've had FGM, you can get help from a specialist NHS gynaecologist or FGM service – ask your GP or any other healthcare professional about services in your area. Download a list of NHS FGM clinics (PDF, 430kb).

The African Well Woman’s Clinic, based in Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, provides counselling, support, advice and a reversal operation. Females can self-refer by calling 020 8188 6872 or emailing

African Advocacy Foundation works in Lambeth providing drop-in confidential counselling and advice as well as discussions through group meetings for women. Call 020 8698 4473 or email

If you are worried about a child, contact the Lambeth First Response Team:

If a child is at immediate risk of significant harm, please dial 999


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