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Concern and Complaints


In almost all situations, concerns and complaints can be handled informally by speaking to a member of staff.  In the first instance please request a meeting with your child's classteacher at a mutually convenient time.

(It is not possible for a teacher to discuss a complaint at the beginning or end of the school day in front of other parents or carers and children). 

Please note that staff are only able to discuss a pupil with those with formal parental responsibility.

If the classteacher is unavailable, please ask for an appointment with The Head of Key Stage:

EYFS & YEAR 1: Mrs McCarthy

YEAR 2 & YEAR 3: Miss Patel

YEAR 4, YEAR 5  & YEAR 6: Mrs. Hariram

In the very rare instance where The Head of Key Stage is unable to help with your request or concern, then please request an appointment with the Head of School Mrs Bosse at a mutually convenient time.

Should you wish to record a concern or make a complaint, please complete in full a Concern and Complaint Form. Remember to add your full name and contact details.

CLICK HERE for a Concern and Complaints Form.  We will endeavour to respond to your concern or complaint within 15 working days.

In dealing with any complaints, the school will also refer to the Department for Education's Policy for Unreasonable Complainants. CLICK HERE to view this policy.

CLICK HERE to view the Complaints Policy.

Should the subject matter of your request be a safeguarding or child protection issue, please ask for Mrs Costin, Mrs Bosse or Mr David.


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