GSO Test

Y2 SATs - Helping your child at home


This youtube video is a very useful guide to the Y2 SATs. Click here to watch the video. 
t briefly explains the different tests that your Year Two child will be taking in May and gives you sample questions to look at. 

There are lots of ways you can support your child at home;

- practise spelling common exception words in lots of fun ways and applying them in sentences. For a list of Year Two common exception words click here

- read with your child daily, asking them challenging questions about their reading. For examples of questions you could ask please click here.

- practise recalling number facts including 2,3,5 and 10 times tables and their related division facts. 

- use clocks to read the time (o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to). 

- use concrete apparatus, such as counters, stones, toys, and pictures to support your child to add and subtract 2 two-digit numbers. 



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